Brand Kit

Official Logo

Official Colors

Light green: C=64, M=0, Y=42, K=0; R=81, G=192, B=170; Hex: #51C0AA
Dark green: C=86, M=28, Y=70, K=12; R=15, G=128, B=101; Hex: #0F8065
Navy: C=93, M=67, Y=40, K=24; R=29, G=75, B=103; Hex: #1D4B67
Orange: C=0, M=57, Y=87, K=0; R=255, G=136, B=51; Hex: #ff8833

Official Fonts

Jubilat for headings, Baskerville for long body text, and Gotham for small text on things like invitations. When these are not available, it is recommended to use Calibri for sans-serif and Cambria for serif.

Name Tags

Binder Cover Page

Photo Release Form


Brochure for New Event

Business Card

Ice Breakers


HU Letterhead